Guru Rinpoche Statue (front)
建造佛像的功德利益 當佛住世供養佛 與佛涅盤供養佛 內心平等與純淨 功德疏勝無差別 如佛經中所說:我們見到佛像當如面見真佛一樣,則見之無違緣,具足信心和恭敬心者,心生歡喜,得佛智慧,能降服一切煩惱。 佛陀曾說:「我於未來時,將住於雕像及文字上,當思相既是我,立生恭敬」,此言記載於「無捨金剛」的預言中。 我們未來的有情,要見到真佛卻無此善緣,但是,為了代表諸佛真身與真佛無二,所以,建造佛像或供養等都可以積聚福慧兩種資糧,因而最勝者,以珠寶建造佛像,次者以石塊或木頭等來建造,舉凡看到聽到想到的種種有情,都會種下無上的成佛之因,如此具有不可思議的功德利益。
There is a sutra that describes the merit of building a statue. Offering to Buddha when he was alive; Offering to Buddha after he went to Nirvana. If with pure mind and pure intention. you do not discriminate between them, the merit of both are equal, there is no difference. If you see the statue of the real Buddha, then no obscurations will be generated. If you view the statue with faith and devotion and happiness, then you will gain the wisdom of the Buddha and will be able to subdue all affiliations of the mind. Buddha said; In the future I will live in statues and in the Dharma scriptures. When you see their form, you should think that the form is me and immediately generate devotion to the Buddha. The sentient beings of the future will not have enough merit to meet the living Buddha. However because the statue represents the real Buddha , that is way we build the statue and make offerings to them. By doing this you can accumulate both merit and wisdom, the best way to build a statue is with jewels; next is to build the statue of stone or wood. Any sentient being who sees the statue, hears the name of the statue, or think of the statue, will plant the cause of enlightenment and of becoming a Buddha. This is way building a statue is so miraculous, generating merit and benefit beyond words or thought.